Jeff Brent - Professional Guitar Teacher
Riverside, CA USA
E-mail me for Music Lessons!

Easy Tuition Payment by Credit Card or Debit Card
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Visa · MasterCard · American Express · Discover · Diner's Club · JCB

(Please read these instructions first!)

Clicking on any "Pay Now" Link below
opens my secure PayPage in a new window.

Your month-by-month tuition payment is set at $125.00 for a weekly half-hour lesson.

Click the yellow "Pay Now" button corresponding to how many months of tuition you wish to pay.

This brings you to the log-in. If you do not already have an Amazon account, it is easy & FREE!

After you have completed the transaction, Amazon will notify me by email that you have paid.
I will then send you a "confirmation of receipt" email (usually within 24 hours).

Pay One Month's Tuition ($125.00)

Pay for a two-month contract (only $225.00)

(instead of $250 - a Twenty Five Dollar Savings!)

Pay for a three-month contract ($315.00)

(instead of $375 - Save Sixty Dollars!)

Pay for a four-month contract ($400.00)

(a hundred dollar discount!)

Pay for a six-month contract ($590.00)

(instead of $750 - it's like getting an
entire month of lessons free
with 35 bucks to spare!)

Thank You!

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