Jeff Brent - Professional Guitar Teacher
Riverside, CA USA
E-mail me for Music Lessons!

Music Lesson Policies

To All Students and Parents of Students:

I have been teaching for many years and it is extremely rewarding to witness my students progress towards mastery of the guitar. Not every professional guitarist is capable of teaching. It requires the ability to take complex subjects and break them down into bite size pieces. Coupled with my love of teaching is the realization that it is my calling.

It is a great honor to share my musical knowledge and
professional experience with students.

Please read the following concerning my policies. Thank you.

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I accept either cash or check.
Also, you may conveniently pay me directly online
by credit card or debit card by clicking here.
Easy Tuition Payment

Termination of Lessons

My current schedule is always posted outside my studio. As you can easily see, I have a great number of students. So many, in fact, that there is waiting list for those wanting to take lessons with me.

No one takes guitar lessons forever, so if you intend to discontinue taking lessons with me, I'd appreciate it if you would have the courtesy to let me know that you will not be continuing so that I may immediately schedule another student into the vacant time slot. Thank you.

Cancellations and Absences

Please ONLY call me or leave messages on my cell phone.
(Messages left with the music store often do not reach me.)

I may also be reached by email 24 hours in advance.

No Lessons are Given on the Following Days:

New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day,
Thanksgiving Day and the last week of the year.

Unless I have agreed to a previous arrangement, I cannot guarantee to hold your time slot for you if any of the following occur:

·   1 unpaid absence followed by a No-Show
·   3 consecutive absences
·   Bounced check
·   Non-payment


Make-Up Lessons
Due to my extremely crowded schedule, I am unable to offer make-up lessons.

I do not give refunds.

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Payment by debit card or credit card
Easy Tuition Payment

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